Whether they’re updating their Facebook profiles or watching videos on YouTube, if you have kids, they are probably online. According to a 2009 study by Harris Interactive, 72 percent of teenagers have profiles on social networking websites. That’s a huge number, and it means that young people across the world are actively making decisions on the Web that could impact their online reputations.
It also means that they are being exposed to a cyber world with little law and even less order. Online, people freely attack and slander each other anonymously, cyberbullies use social media websites to launch attacks 24 hours a day, and private information, including Social Security numbers and a variety of other compromising data, is shared for just pennies.
Just because the Web is untamed now, does not mean that it has to be wild in the future. This article offers five tips for parents that will help them make sure their children grow up to become responsible digital citizens.
Remember the “Golden Rule”
On the Internet, people hide behind a veil of anonymity to attack, slander, and discredit people they don’t like. Sometimes, these online bullies will pick someone at random just for fun. With social media networks and blogs, it’s easy to find a stranger to pick on. When you talk to your child about using the Internet and social media, you should remind them that just because somebody is a stranger, they should still treat that person with respect.
The traditional “Golden Rule” is as true online as it is in real life: Treat people the way you hope to be treated. Teach your child that there is no place for name-calling on the Web and let them know that it’s okay to report abusive behavior. Even though other people don’t use manners online, your child doesn’t have to be one of them.
Don’t spread gossip
If your son or daughter thinks gossip spreads quickly around school, wait until they see how quickly false information flies around online. Thanks to websites like Twitter, breaking news can reach millions of people within seconds. In some cases, this is a good thing. Social media users are among the first to learn about important events and news. When the news is false, however, the speed of social media spells trouble.
Make sure your children know how to discern whether information online is true or false and teach them to be skeptical of the things they read online. Let your child know that passing on false information is as bad as telling a lie, even if your son or daughter did so unknowingly. Gossip can destroy a person’s reputation and it is something that you shouldn’t take lightly.
Keep private information private
There are companies that focus their entire business model on scraping social networking websites for personal information and then compiling it to sell to marketers or (more frighteningly) identity thieves. That’s why private information online should stay private.
Teach your children that responsible digital citizens don’t share private information on Facebook or anywhere else. Remind them that the information they share online does not only affect them, it affects the entire family.
Stand up and speak out against cyberbullying
If your child saw a student at their school getting teased or bullied on the playground, would they say something to a teacher? Hopefully, the answer is yes. The same rule should apply online.
Cyberbullying has become one of the most pervasive problems facing kids and teens online today. For adults, it can be hard to see when cyberbullying is happening. Kids are more likely to see the abuse, because it is happening within their social network. Teach your child that if he or she sees cyberbullying occurring on Facebook or anywhere else online, they should tell you or a member of the school faculty.
Think about the future
A good digital citizen is somebody who thinks about what they do before they do it. The things that your child shares online are like digital tattoos; they’re there forever. If you teach your child to think about the future, and how admissions officers, employers, and even future romantic partners might view their online reputation, they will more likely make the right kind of decisions online and make the Web a better place for all of us.
To make sure your child is on the right path to become a good digital citizen, try out MyChild from ReputationDefender. With MyChild, parents can effectively monitor and manage their children’s online reputations and help them keep their names looking great on the Web.
For more information about MyChild, call ReputationDefender today at 888-720-9980 or visit ReputationDefender.com/MyChild.